Jumat, Januari 15, 2010

when a girl....

saya baru saja membuka facebook milik seorang teman saya. dalam album foto-fotonya tidak terpampang muka dirinya dengan berbagai pose layaknya kebanyakan orang. ia malah memajang foto-foto "aneh" yang (mungkin) ia dapat dari berbagai situs. dari berbagai gambar yang saya lihat, saya menemukan gambar yang cantik. seorang gadis kecil dengan mata yang bulat dan bersinar. lucu sekali! saya pun memperbesar foto itu. ternyata dalam foto itu terdapat beberapa baris tulisan yang menyentuh saya. bagus dan bermakna sekali. jujur, saya baru baca tulisan mengenai ini:

When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind
when a girl is not arquing, she is thinking deeply
when a girl looks at u with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long u will be around
when a girl answers 'i'm fine" after a few seconds, she is not at all fine
when a girl stares at u, she is wondering why you are lying
when a girl lays on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever
when a girl calls you everyday. she is seeking for your attention
when a girl sms's you everyday, she wants you to replay at least once
when a girl says i love you, she means it
when a girl says that she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her futue
when a girl says "i miss you", no one in this world can miss you more than her......

owwww... bener gak kita seperti itu??????

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